Young son led police to mother’s dead body 5 years ago today

On December 28, 2017, tragedy struck in West Alabama as police arrived at the home of Shannon Sharell Steele to serve papers, only to discover her lifeless body. Her young son guided the officer to the back bedroom where Shannon had been fatally shot. In that room, her 4-month-old daughter was found beside her, while two other daughters were fortunately not present at the time.

Just days before this devastating incident, Christmas morning had been filled with excitement, with the family discussing the whereabouts of Shannon’s Christmas gift. Shannon was known for her generosity and always made sure everyone had something special, so the mystery of the missing gift added a touch of chaos to their holiday celebrations.

Little did Shannon’s family know that this Christmas would be the last time they saw her.

Shannon Steele was not just a mother of four; she was a loving and caring mom who often resorted to tough love to ensure her children grew up respectful and responsible. Her mother, Germaine Steele-Sanders, described her as strict and stern, someone who always aimed to instill the right values in her kids. If the children misbehaved, they knew they couldn’t visit their grandma’s house until they completed their chores.

This determination and strong-willed nature were traits Shannon had possessed since childhood. As a quiet young girl who seldom spoke, she had a unique ability to capture everyone’s attention, especially her brothers. Her mother fondly recalled how Shannon could persuade her brothers to do anything, including countless beauty makeovers.

Shannon was actively involved in her church and school, and she had a passion for sports, particularly basketball and track. Demopolis, the small town where she lived, was a close-knit community where everyone knew each other. However, despite their close bonds, the mystery of Shannon’s murder remains unsolved.

On that fateful day, Shannon’s aunt Valada was working as a 911 dispatcher when the call came in to the Marengo County Police Department. The news hit her hard, and she couldn’t help but break down after leaving her desk.

Shannon left behind four children, who are now under the care of her mother. While Germaine struggled with her own grief, her commitment to being strong for Shannon and the children kept her going.

Every day is a battle with grief for the family, and they hold on to the hope that one day they will find answers. July 23, Shannon’s birthday, and December 28, the anniversary of her death, are occasions when family and friends gather to remember the incredible friend, mother, sister, and daughter they had the privilege of knowing.

These events serve not only to honor Shannon’s memory but also to raise awareness that her family will never give up on seeking the truth.

“We will always be looking for answers to help bring our family a little bit of peace,” Germaine said, highlighting their unwavering determination to find justice for Shannon.